
Christina Aguilera สัมภาษณ์ที่รายการ The Ellen

ช่วงนี้เจ้ Christina ออกสัมภาษณ์บ่อยมากๆ โดยล่าสุดเจ้แกได้ไปสัมภาษณืในรายการสาวหล่อ Ellen โดยเธอได้พูดเกี่ยวกับการร้องเพลงชาติผิดที่ Super Bowl

Christina Aguilera explained his gaffe at the 2011 Super Bowl where he unfortunately missed the text of the national anthem. The singer has just got caught because he says the 'The Ellen DeGeneres Show'.
"Song of my life. I was known as the youngest singer of the national anthem in my hometown. "Aguilera says

" but I found myself 30 years to the SuperBowl, and I made ​​some predict emotion 'too! "
"That night I was like 'I just turned in an application for Trivial Pursuit'" He continued: "But, you know, you got to laugh about, you walk over and go back."

